Jag tycker att det ska gå att citera bara valda stycken (ex markerade). Skulle vara ganska bra oxå om man kunde förtydliga vad som var citat (ex
kursivt eller fet text).PositivAteist - 2005-5-6 at 15:57
Ursprugligen inlagt av MysteryX
Jag tycker att det ska gå att citera bara valda stycken (ex markerade). Skulle vara ganska bra oxå om man kunde förtydliga vad som var citat (ex
kursivt eller fet text).
Det går redan att göra. Klicka på ikonen "QUOTE" uppe till höger i ett inlägg för att citera det.
Vill du bara citera en del av inlägget kan du själv skriva (quote)CITERAD_TEXT(/quote) fast med hakparenteser, så kallad BB-kod. Klicka på länken BB-kod är på till vänster om inlägget för hjälp om BB-kod.
Samma sak med fetstil och kursiv stil. Du kan självstyra det med BB-kod.
Om du använder (quote)-funktionen kommer det citerade automatiskt hamna i en ruta som ditt citat gör här.
Man kan också hitta på helt egna "citat" om man vill, men man bör i så fall hålla sig till god sed och inte låtsas citera sådant som andra inte har
[Ändrad 06-05-2005 av PositivAteist]LinoJonle - 2012-9-6 at 21:28
Signet wants to convert to U.S. dollars; Says U.S. sales rose 13% year-to-date | The Signet Group plc the London-based parent of Sterling Inc. corum romulus replica the second largest U.S. retail jeweler intends to convert its financial reporting from pounds sterling to U.S. dollars.
Signet the world's largest retail jeweler said Thursday the changeover if approved by shareholders and the courts would begin with its next fiscal
year in February 2007. (Future dividends will be declared in U.S. dollars but shareholders with an address in Great Britain replica watches or those who so choose oris replica watches will continue to have theirs paid in sterling.) "More than 70 percent of its sales operating profit and net assets
(including almost all its borrowings) are denominated by U.S. dollars " it notes. Signet's directors will seek shareholder approval to "redenominate
its share capital into U.S. dollars" at a Dec. 12 general meeting in London. However despite the dominance of Sterling (based in Akron Ohio) and
U.S. dollars in Signet's operations there are no plans to move the headquarters to the United States. "The company will continue to be registered
and have its headquarters in England and will maintain its primary listing on the London Stock Exchange with the shares quoted in sterling " says the
Signet Group announcement. It will also maintain a listing on the New York Stock Exchange with its American Depositary Receipts quoted in U.S.
dollars." The announcement came in Signet's third quarter report. The company said total sales rose 5.7 percent in the third quarter (to about $626.5
million total of which $449.4 million a 7 percent gain came from Sterling). Same-store sales were up 5.4 percent. Sterling the U.S. division saw
its same store sales rise 6.5 percent. For the year-to-date there was about $2.1 billion in total sales a 10.2 percent rise replica roger dubuis watchesgraham chronofighter oversize replica watch of which about $1.6 billion a 13.3 percent gain came from U.S. Same store sales rose 5.3 percent.
Both Ernest Jones and H.Samuel in the British division of Signet were down but same store sales were up 6.9 percent for Sterling Inc.