Pris för SAMSKAR, Atheist Centre, Indien
K.H.S.S. Sundar, VD för SAMSKAR, som är en del av the Atheist Centre mottar 11th National Desasnehi Award den 23.december i Bangalore. Priset, Rs
10.000 lämnas av f.d president (Chief Justice) av Indiens högsta Domstol M.N. Venkatachalaiah. Priset tilldelas av en gandhian organisation.
K.H.S.S. Sundar har besökt två gånger Sverige, senast 2005 då han, med stöd av SIDA besökte bl KRIS (Kriminellas Revansch I Samhället). Han träffade
då även svenska humanister.
Samskar arbetar huvudsakligen med rehabilitation av tempelprostituerade (I Varni) och kriminella (I Stuartpuram) och deras familjer. Samskars
generalsekreterare Mrs Hemalata Lavanam fick samma pris 1997.
Här återger jag motiveringen av priset på engelska:
1. To identity and honour sincerely dedicated and socially committed individuals who have done meritorious work in their respective fields in the
overall interest of the country with humanistic attitudes and broader visions.
2. To identify and help the poor, deserving, oppressed and suppressed women through providing them with simple productive skills and socio-economic
political awareness.
3. To provide encouragement to instill courage and spirit of adventure, to discover talents among YOUTH, and to organise them periodically for
undertaking collective responsibility and challenges of constructive nation building activities for a better India in the 21st century.
För K.H.S.S. Sundar:
Inspiration by the work of the great Gora family, several dynamic youth have plunged into reform and revolutionary activities in Andhra Pradesh.
K.H.S.S. Sundar is one of them. Most of his last 8 years have gone into projects like criminal reformation, Jogini reform and rehabilitation, social
integration, area development and good citizen training programs. Having got his doctorate in “Origins and Growth of Political Consciousness in
Andhra during the 19th Century”, he could have easily become an arm-chair scholar or University professor. But Sundar preferred society as his
‘laboratory’ for research and experiment. This provided him with additional knowledge and guts to confront the official and traditional
stumbling blocks on the path for positive social change. Communication and training are two areas in which Sundar has done good work to help people
become efficient and active. His literary interests and journalistic urges are supportive elements for promoting local self government and Dalit
socialization process. As project Director of SAMSKAR Organisation he also works for the improvement of criminal children. Bala Seva Sangham has been
a pet-project for Sundar and his colleagues. Thus he stands out as a guiding spirit for the present generation of Indian youth
MVH Pertti, Ratna & Helmi Samaikhya